Saturday, October 29, 2005

Evil black bugs and other fun details... (by Laura)

There are evil black bugs in the aldea of Los Charcos. They leave welts that hurt and itch like crazy with red dots in the center. We got eaten alive by them and one of the welts tried to take over Lauren’s leg. One welt took over my left ear, it was swollen and red; beautiful but at least not too noticeable. People here tell us how it is and they didn’t say, “ew, your ear is twice the size of Texas!” so I guess it wasn’t too bad.

And the lady that lives in the vegetable house (the house we go to to buy vegetables) around the corner is recovering from dengue. I am wearing bug spray like crazy, that’s for sure. And sleeping under a bednet, which I have found 3 dead spiders on in the last 6 weeks but no mosquitoes so I guess that’s good news if I haven’t seen any of those pesky buggers. We have window screens on our two windows in our house so that helps keep the pest population down as well. And Father Neil lived here six years and never got dengue so I guess that’s good news that as long as we’re preventative we’ll be okay. Though our new friend Shapell, a Peace Corps volunteer, told us that he got dengue once. Yikes! We invited him to help with Earth Day since he’s pretty bored right now. He only has about 5 months left on his tour so he wouldn’t get to see the real Earth Day celebration, but he knows people in the mayor’s office and things like that so he could be a good resource at the least.

We are starting to get more into our work and projects and that’s been a good change from sitting around going to meetings and trying to find out what kind of work we can actually do. It feels good to be starting to act!

It’s getting colder here and I’m excited to go to Tegus tomorrow to buy a blanket so I don’t have to wear layers to bed to sleep under my two thin sheets. I’m also excited not to be sweating all the time or having the sun beating down on me. That means I can wear my shirts three or four times before I wash them now if I want. Just kidding, though I do wear them more than once. That pila is hard work and if they don’t sink or have stains on them, why waste the extra energy, right?

Well, that’s my two cents for now. And two US cents, not Honduran cents, which aren’t worth much! Take care and God bless you all!


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